
"The Next Generation"

Windmill Hill Kennels

"Rough Shooting Springer Spaniels"


The Prepared Puppy Approach

Canine social learning begins the moment  a puppy arrives in this world. Often, new owners in their desire to get "pup" right away are unable to continue this needed social learning to the extent required. We will mitigate this situation by providing  the needed learning through week 12.     

Puppies Past and Present: The Possibility and Processes for Having One Join Your Family.
This is a long page with information on deposits, picks, pricing, the "Prepared Puppy Program" and other processes on the bottom 
Information about making a Windmill Hill Pup a member of your family and our "Prepared Puppy Training Program" can be found on the "Breeding & Training" page.
THE PUPPIES OF FALL (November 27) 2020...
Windmill Hill's "Celtic Legends"

This is our November 25, 2020 puppy pictures. 
We updated the pictures as sent in by forever families. 
They all had been reserved months in adavance.
Windmill Hill's "All Americans"

This is our June 19 - 20, 2017 puppy pictures. We updated the pictures as sent in by forever families. 

They all had there forever homes reserved months in advance.

Links to YouTube Videos of the "All American" Litter.
Windmill Hill's "Lucky Seven"
Windmill Hill's Smoke on the Water - "Nellie": This girl looks and acts like her mother Tempest. She spends plenty of time on Maine's rugged coast swimming and running with her family. She had a great fall hunting ducks and "partridge" as well as strolling around the town of Bath and working as an apprentice in a wooden boat shop. (If only she had thumbs.) She is graceful in her demeanor and happy doing the same things as her Mom such as trying to catch flying snow from a snow shovel. 

Windmill Hill's Hold Fast - "Samson": This big guy is in the 60 pound range, but he is no couch potato. I was fortunate to help his owners train him over the Summer of 2016 to get him started for the Fall hunting season. It was great to see him hunt many times at the Wallum Lake Rod and Gun club making some great finds of birds on the run and marked retrieves in some really thick New England cover. His family is part of the Patriot Sporting Spaniel Club and will be working on his Junior Hunter Title this year. When not training or hunting he cruises the coast of New England with his buddy Kally.   

Windmill Hill's Fire Water - "Jack": This guy lives with a great family here in RI, but he also goes to the Great North Woods of New Hampshire hunting and just having fun around the CT Lakes. We have helped a bit with his training and you will not find a sweeter guy who loves to retrieve and search out cover for birds.  

Windmill Hill's Woodland Wizard - "Merlin": Calls Hudson, MA his home which he shares with his older Mentor Macy. This one puts the "spring" in springer. We have watched videos of him on Facebook leaping 4 foot fences with ease. He and Macy spend plenty of time afield flushing pheasants hard working as a team.  

Windmill Hill's Royal Highlander - "Mae": This royalty is the spitting image of her Mom Tempest. She is a graceful family member who splits her time between Florida and the Jersey Shore. When not riding around in a golf cart to ponds to help land large mouth bass, she is hunting quail in the tall pines or maybe sipping ice tea on the beach. 

Windmill Hill's Brave Heart - "Wallace": This guy has earned the nick name "Wacky Wally" because he has the ability to do "wacky" things like climb up a ladder to get in a tree. He has a great life with a great family in Geneva, NY. He hunts with his dad for both upland birds and waterfowl. But his favorite person is his "little girl" who is his best friend in the world. One lucky guy. 

Windmill Hill's Celtic Dancer - "Abbie": She was the first one to retrieve at week 4. She carried a pheasant wing dropped in the grass directly back to Tony. She would prance and dance as if to say, "look at me aren't you just proud of me?" She has a great nose and was finding hidden wings and retrieving sented dummies by the end of week 5. A natural hunter, but also a natural cuddler.


Windmill Hill's "Dirty Dozen"


On October, 6 2013 at about 12:30 PM the last "pupper" our smiling guy "Terp" Windmill Hill's Eastern Shore Islander went to his new and forever home. Bitter sweet Donna and I cried as he romped off with his new family. As we thank all the families who have our "Twelve Puppers of Summer 2013," know that they will always remain special to us as we hear about their antics and achievements for years to come.

We have posted some pictures of them and now with a short story about their lives since they left us in 2013. In the "Good Things" page there is part of a chapter in the book we are writing about our adventures with Tempest. It covers our time with this litter the good, the bad, and the poopy. In it there is also a prayer for the families that took home those special "Twelve Puppers of Summer 2013" as they go off with a good start in life. It kind of sums up our feelings.

Windmill Hill's "Celtic Water Fire" BrigitThis “spitfire” has stayed with us. Donna picked her the moment she was born. Although we didn’t know it at the time she would be smallest once reaching adulthood. Quick on her feet with a nose like a magnet, she spent last spring training with three of her siblings at Salmy Acres under the patient hands of Tempest’s trainer Mike Wallace. Later she spent the summer with us practicing what she learned, playing with her Mom and Uncle George; going for boat and canoe rides in NH, and finding, flushing and retrieving pigeons daily. She had a great first season afield with 21 flushed pheasants to her credit, retrieving to hand the 16 pheasants I shot of the 21 she flushed. She even retrieved one grouse to Donna’s surprise when coming back from a romp in the October woods. (Donna now needs a NH hunting license.)

Windmill Hill's "My Sweetheart Daisy" - Daisy: This funny faced girl sent the spring at Sunrise Kennels being trained by Gary Wilson. She spent the summer with her 12 year old handler Jessica and her Dad becoming a great team while practicing what she learned. She has a great older Field Springer Spaniel house mate Mosie to model herself after. We heard they had a great first season on pheasants, grouse and at tower shoots, while also earning her Junior Hunt Test title along the way. How about some ducks with us next year - we hope.

Windmill Hill's "Peter of Never Land" - Pete: Spent the Spring being trained in Kansas by John Knowles. After which he spent the Summer camping with his young family in Oklahoma and Kansas, while honing his field skills and earning his Junior Hunt Test Title. By all accounts he has found, flushed, and retrieved his share of wild Heartland pheasants. Maybe this season his Mom and sister Brigit will come to a visit and get a shot at those “wild” pheasants in America's Heartland.

Windmill Hill’s “Argos” - Gus: After settling in with his new family he spent part of the Summer with trainer Ralph Botti learning the basics of find, flush and retrieve. He then hunted woods and fields often with his buddy and gunner from October through December. It looks like those chuckars had no-where to hide and his shooting partner did his part on the bird hunting team.

Windmill Hill’s “Up with the Sun” – Hunter: Spent the Summer being trained by his owners at Kingsbury Springers way up North in Canada.. Come the Fall he was sniffing out elusive grouse in the surrounding woods. When not in the woods he enjoys life with three field English Springer Spaniel girls. He even became a daddy of three great pups this past year. The biggest of the litter (he still is at over 50 pounds) he was the first to retrieve on land and then on water. We know he is destine to be a remarkable hunter and friend for life. He looks to be still a muscle bound guy. No wonder the girls love him.

Windmill Hill’s “Coppertone Surfer” – Copper: Has been trained by Geoff English of Woodland Kennels and is his owner and hunting partner - Todd's - “little buddy;” traveling in his truck wherever he goes. From woodcock and grouse in Vermont to pheasants and geese in Connecticut, he has become a true all round rough shooting dog. He has a pappion named Bella as a housemate that shares in the fun and love of a great family with three kids. We hear he is taking on a new challenge of snowboarding with his family this Winter. (Coppertone Snow Boarder?)

Windmill Hill’s “Sent Surfer” – Pinoc / Pinocchio: Was trained by his owner Art Girard and friend Rocco Iasparra. Pinoc entered this world at 6.5 ounces on a wing and a prayer. Bottle fed for 6 days he was the runt, but no longer. At 50 pounds he is a bird finding and retrieving muscle bound springer who loved his owner and still loves to hunt birds. Sadly, Art was lost to the springer spaniel world when he passed away in 2017. However, Art and Rocco were able to qualify him as a Master Hunter before this tragedy struck. He is now with us and has re-socialized well with his sisters and mother, quickly becoming part of the household once again. As we look for a new PERFECT forever home, one where he will be part of family and be trained and hunted regularly, he has joined our training regiment here. He has HUGE drive, wonderful self discipline, which is complimented by a great nose and soft mouth.

Windmill Hill’s “Storm Chaser” – Chase: Joined his sister Brigit at Salmy Acres for three months of training. Living up to his name he is quick on his feet with an instinctive hunting manner. He spent the Summer continuing his training with the Nutmeg Hunting Spaniel club at Nod Brook, CT and around his hunting buddy around his home. When not afield he is also a bit of a Momma’s boy cozying up to the feminine side of his human family.

Windmill Hill’s “Grace Under Fire” – Zoe: She is still the retrieving demon she always was. The second of the litter who started retrieving at 4 weeks and would hup for 5 seconds waiting to be sent. Her original owner Don Pomeroy trained her with an eye to hunt tests. Sadly, the spring spaniel world also lost Don when he passed away in 2016. Now she is with us, her forever home. Stylish when running she has the face and grace of her mother Tempest. She earned her Junior title last Fall and is only one leg away from here Senior title. She has effectively hunted upland game birds and waterfowl in NH, PA, NC, and of course RI. She will be bred in 2019.

Windmill Hill’s “Eastern Shore Waterman” – Terp: Our smiley guy, he was the last to leave and my personal favorite who loves to swim and sniff out hidden birds and dummies. He also spent three months with Mike Wallace and three of his littermates learning the basics of finding, flushing, and retrieving. When he is not at home or afield in Connecticut, he is in Vermont doing the same with a wonderful loving family of three children.

Windmill Hill’s “White Lightening” – Lucy: Lives and plays with her Uncle Cover in one of the most beautiful spots in the Garden State. Another one who was a natural when retrieving and being steady until sent from an early age she has been staying in shape retrieving dummies on the beaches of Martha’s Vineyard and woods of New Jersey. Her hunting buddy had a cancer scare last Summer and Fall which put the brakes on her going away for training. We are hopeful this natural hunter will get the schooling she needs this Spring or Summer, so she can hunt this Fall with her brother.

Windmill Hill’s “Spitfire” – Ellie Our smiley girl was also in the wilds of West Virginia with Mike Wallace learning the basics of upland bird hunting. As they say in Massachusetts she is wicked fast when cast, then loving and happy when the hunt or training is done. She shares her home with a beagle buddy and wonderful family. She was wonderful to watch when I visited Salmy Acres and has become a wonderful hunter. 

 Our "Prepared Puppy Approach – Puppy Pre-K"

   Most breeders and trainers will agree the most critical learning development period of a dog’s life is the first six months of which, weeks 4 to 12 will lay the foundation for learning throughout a springer’s life. This time is when a dog "learns how to learn." Therefore, to give our puppies long-term trainer the best opportunity to receive a dog that is ready to start training, our puppies will stay with us through week 12 to undergo extensive and intensive social learning experiences and individual preparatory training.

   During those initial weeks the puppy will be part of a structured learning environment that will give the experienced trainer the best opportunity to apply positive reinforcement training once the springer starts its formal training. We will be giving our puppies thorough socialization and hunting situational exposure that will fully prepare them for their next phase of learning. 

   We have both retired so this allows us the time to focus all our efforts on this goal. Because we are willing and able to provide this service, it is more likely that the likelihood for needing an electronic collar to train our puppies to meet high standards will be much less.

To learn more about our training program,

 go the "Breed & Train" page.

Videos of 2013 Puppies

These are only 30-40 seconds long.

You can find longer versions of these videos at Tempest's Facebook location.



Getting to Their Forever Homes: The Costs and Process


   After 12 weeks of our "Prepared Puppy" conditioning and training they will be ready to leave for their forever homes. This approximate date is Labor Day Week End for their departure. Puppies at this level of breeding would normally demand a price between $1000 - $1500  at 8 weeks with little or no training or medical care. Our price is $2000 at 12 weeks with extensive training and additional healthcare and food costs. Go to the Breed and Train page to see the details of what we do and why we do it.  

   Deposits of $100 will be taken when a vet confirms the breeding has taken. However, we are creating a waiting list at this time and the order of pick are based on when an application form has been submitted (if approved). Picks will be taken based on sex. If you decide not to choose a puppy based on color available at the time they are born, we will refund your deposit. We normally have a longer waiting list than puppies available so this is not a problem. Depositors can come and choose a pup at 4 weeks old. We will register each pup with the AKC with a "kennel name" we choose that goes with pup. A "call name" of your choice will be used once we start serious training at 4 weeks. (Plan on having a call name for us when we meet for your pick of the litter.)

Special Note on the Price

   We know this seems like a lot, but you will not get a better prepared field springer anywhere else. From reviewing our previous expenses in our Balance Sheet for litters we found that the costs for planned vet visits, shots through age 12 weeks, food, chipping, AKC registration and eye certification exams was approximately $1500 per pup. Also, The prenatal  and whelping costs were $5000 in 2020. Lastly, we have yet to have a litter that didn't require "unplanned" medical costs. Last time one bag of food we bought was contaminated so all the pups got sick with 4 requiring an overnight stay at an emergency vet at a cost $2000. Ultimately, the additional amount we have to spend is less than the additional costs that you would have to spend if the pup was with you starting at 8 weeks.  

   Litter Pick Process

   The process is quite simple. It is strictly first come - first pick. The order of application forms received establishes the pick order. You can make a choice on gender but not on color or any other physical feature. If, when the pick date comes and you decide for whatever reason you do not want one of the litter, your deposit will be refunded in full on the spot. However, after you make a choice you change your mind, your deposit will not be refunded. We also establish a waiting list by gender just in case a pup is not chosen after a deposit is made. Also, if for any reason at anytime in its life you decide you cannot or do not want to keep your dog, we have right of first refusal, which means we have the option to getting the dog back so we can make sure it finds another suitable loving and caring home.

Going Home Process



   We know many people ship puppies, but we don't for many reasons the most important of which it would break our hearts if we did. However, Tony will fly with a pup as carry-on, using Southwest Airlines or Air Canada, a puppy to a waiting family. We can also drive to your home if there is enough time available and you are not too far away. This can be discussed and plans made when a deposit is made. We have done this many times so we know just what to do.

   However, we hope you can come to our home and to get your new pride and joy. At this time, all the required sales and AKC paperwork will be completed, healthcare forms passed on to you; food, goodies, toys, a leash and collar and of course dozens of puppy pictures and videos on a flash drive are provided as well. However, you will need a travel crate, and if traveling more than an hour a small dish and a bottle of water and a car with AC. No riding in a bed of a pick-up at this stage of their life. Too hot and scary!

   Lastly, you will get one-on-one time with us and pup, so you can see what stage of learning development your pup has reached and find out what you should be doing over the next 3 to 9 months. You will also get an evaluation booklet that details many points about their personality, current skill levels, strong points and areas needing improvement. (We love them all, but they are not perfect).

As you can see, we go more than the extra mile to make sure our pups are ready for their new homes. 

"Naps are always good..."